Voices At The Table: Participatory Action Research Toolkit for Inclusive WASH Programmes

Front cover of publication on a blue tile. The cover has a purple wavy edge and purple-blue centre with the title of the toolkit in white title case writing.
The Voices at the Table Toolkit is an integrated collection of theories, principles, activities and case studies. It draws inspiration from different disciplines, theoretical perspectives, and methodological approaches that are all participatory and flexible and support participatory action research.

The activities and underlying ideas are accessible to beginners and will provide experienced researchers and facilitators with a new approach to water, sanitation and hygiene focused participatory action research. A collection of 25 illustrated activity cards accompanies the toolkit; each is linked to a specific activity but can also be used in other creative ways.

This toolkit was developed by Edge Effect through the Water for Women Innovation and Impact (I&I) research project, Voices At The Table, supported by Yayasan Plan International Indonesia, Plan International Australia, Arus Pelangi and all six participatory action research groups in Eastern Indonesia who were engaged in Plan International's WASH and Beyond: Transforming Lives in Eastern Indonesia project from 2018 to 2022.


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