Monitoring Safely Managed Water and Sanitation Services - Lessons from Water for Women

Just Launched Monitoring Safely Managed Water and Sanitation Case Study Report and Synthesis

Water for Women launches case study report and synthesis 

Ahead of the 30 March webinar, Water for Women has pre-launched a collection of case studies and accompanying synthesis report on monitoring safely managed water and sanitation services, drawing on the experiences and practical lessons from partners working in diverse country contexts in the Asia-Pacific region.

While recent reporting on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicates that many countries still lack adequate data to make estimates of the status of ‘safely managed’ water and sanitation services, this is a particular challenge in Asia and the Pacific, with no estimates of safely managed drinking water (SDG 6.1) for the three relevant regions and no estimate for safely managed sanitation (SDG 6.2) in Oceania1.

Across Asia and the Pacific, Water for Women partners are leveraging their WASH projects and research to test and adapt tools to monitor safely managed services and support national and sub-national monitoring systems to report against SDGs 6.1 and 6.2.

Download the case study report and synthesis below to learn more and register to join the webinar for an in-depth discussion hosted by Water for Women research partner, the University of Technology Sydney Institute for Sustainable Futures, which led this collaborative initiative and the development and collation of both resources under Water for Women's Learning Agenda.


Monitoring Safely Managed Water and Sanitation Services Case Study Report

The Water for Women case studies present a range of contexts, approaches and experiences on monitoring safely managed water and sanitation services in urban and rural areas across the Asia-Pacific region, including Solomon Islands, Indonesia, Cambodia, Bhutan and Papua New Guinea.

The methods and processes for defining indicators and adoption of SDG targets by local and national governments are outlined, in addition to activities to support the implementation of monitoring and reflections on considerations and challenges of monitoring safely managed services in these contexts.


Monitoring Safely Managed Water and Sanitation Services Synthesis

The Synthesis of Case Studies brings together the practical experiences and lessons from Water for Women partners in monitoring safely managed water and sanitation services in a variety of Asia-Pacific country contexts.


Supporting progress in monitoring safely managed water and sanitation services

Read more in this Insight from Freya Mills and Professor Juliet Willetts from the University of Technology Sydney Institute for Sustainable Futures.


The importance of disaggregated data to inform action and understand inequalities in WASH

Read more in this Insight from Freya Mills and Professor Juliet Willetts from the University of Technology Sydney Institute for Sustainable Futures.

[1] WHO and UNICEF. (2021). Progress on household drinking water, sanitation and hygiene 2000-2020: Five years into the SDGs. World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Geneva. 

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