Measuring what matters: Gender equality changes, WASH and climate resilience

A graphic featuring blue background, the title of this event and a colourful graphic representing the WASH-GEM

On 28 January 2025, nearly 150 participants worldwide joined SNVThe University of Technology, Sydney - Institute for Sustainable Futures (UTS-ISF) and Water for Women for a webinar, Measuring what matters: Gender equality changes, WASH and climate resilience that introduced the WASH-GEM and its practical applications in Nepal, Bhutan and Lao PDR through SNV's Water for Women projects.


‘The combination of quantitative and qualitative data is critical in both reaching the heads and hearts of policymakers so that they don’t only see the big picture, but what’s inside of it.’ 

Joanne Crawford AM, Strategic Adviser at IWDA


What did we learn about the WASH-GEM's practical use?

  • The measurement can be used for several purposes, including (1) baseline studies for formative research, (2) descriptive assessments, (3) impact evaluations, and (4) longitudinal evaluations.
  • Its application does not require in-depth gender expertise but will support capacity building in this area. It is inclusive and adheres to ‘Do No Harm’ principles, ensuring safe environments for all individuals, including men.
  • It generates quantitative and representative data that capture insights important for practitioners to refine their implementation, and to effectively and convincingly communicate priority needs for WASH policymakers.
  • The latest WASH-GEM iteration includes a climate module to ensure differentiated experiences inform nuanced responses to climate change.


Chaired by Ami Reza, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Global Lead, SNV


Joanne Crawford AM, Strategic Advisor (IWDA, Equality Insights)
Juliet Willetts, Professor and Research Director (UTS-ISF) 
Jess MacArthur, Adjunct Research Fellow (UTS-ISF) 
Jigme Choden, Gender Advisor (SNV Bhutan)
Ugyen Wangchuk, Disability Inclusion Advisor (SNV Bhutan)
Ratan Bahadur Budhathoki, Project Leader (SNV Nepal)
Dr Alison Baker, Fund Manager (Water for Women)  


WASH-GEM resources  WASH-GEM training

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'Water and sanitation can play a very important role to improve gender equality, with positive impacts or ripple effects into broader changes… WASH-GEM offers a strong evidence base that helps us see what matters and act on that.’

Dr Alison Baker, Fund Manager, Water for Women

Photos of all the speakers from the webinar

About the WASH-GEM

The WASH-GEM is a gender equality measure, designed to examine gender equality changes amongst women and men in relation to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programs. More recently the tool was extended to incorporate a focus on climate resilience.

There is increasing evidence that underscores the potential of WASH interventions to promote gender equality, social inclusion and resilience. However, quantitative data that substantiates these linkages is rare. The WASH-GEM assists in filling this gap.

The WASH-GEM has been scientifically validated and is available along with training materials to support its application in water, sanitation and hygiene programs in low-resource settings.

The webinar shared and explored the WASH-GEM tool for assessing gendered aspects of WASH programming and illustrated the WASH-GEM’s application in Bhutan, Laos and Nepal in SNV’s Beyond the Finish Line program, bringing together researchers and practitioners. 


A logo lock up of webinar convenors

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