Disability Inclusive Systems Strengthening in WASH: How can we do it better?


The growing commitment to disability inclusive WASH within the sector has seen much progress in terms of accessible WASH infrastructure at all levels and support for people with disability to manage their WASH needs within their households and communities. The WASH sector is also increasingly focused on the broader enabling environment for WASH policy and practice,
or on strengthening ‘WASH systems’. The linkage of these two streams of work, however, remains an area for further learning and innovation.

This Learning Brief 'Disability Inclusive Systems Strengthening in WASH: How can we do it better?' aims to advance the Fund’s collective learning on these issues by reflecting on the discussions throughout the Systems Strengthening for Inclusive WASH learning event held in December 2019 in Nepal.

This Learning Brief was authored by Asahel Bush, Disability Inclusion Advisor to the Water for Women Fund. Thanks to Joanna Mott, Kate Orr and Gabrielle Halcrow for their contribution to this Brief.


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