Better sanitation and hygiene infrastructure and learning for 22 school communities in rural Solomon Islands


The New Times, New Targets project implemented by Plan International Australia in partnership with Live & Learn Environmental Education is working in schools, communities and health facilities in rural Solomon Islands.  The schools component of the project will work with school in West Guadalcanal where many students currently access toilets very much in need of upgrading, like those pcitured below.

The project has already engaged and supported school management committees, parent teachers associations and students to assess their current understanding of sanitation and hygiene practices and access to toilets and handwashing basins.  Over the next four and a half years, the project will work with 22 school communities and the Guadalcanal Provincial Education Authority to support improvements in sanitation and hygiene knowledge and practice, enabled through improvements in infrastructure. 

Key actions will include:

  1. Raise school priority for sanitation and hygiene in support of children’s health and academic performance.
  2. Support school communities to develop and implement school wash policies to meet National WASH in schools standards.
  3. Train teachers to influence good sanitation and hygiene practice, including menstrual health, in schools.
  4. Support school management and Provincial Education Authorities to improve water, sanitation and hygiene infrastructure


Current sanitation facilities in Solomon Islands

Current sanitation facilities
Current sanitation facilities




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