Gender and Social Inclusion
Why is Gender Equality and Social Inclusion important?
The collective work of Water for Women leads and inspires the global water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector to adopt evidence-based socially transformative practice to contribute to eliminating inequalities and achieving sustainable positive change for all. The Fund is committed to gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) in line with global commitments in WASH and beyond, and further contributing to the well-established evidence base regarding the connection between inclusive, equitable and sustainable WASH, and improved gender equality and social inclusion outcomes (WSSCC et al, 2006).
The Fund’s GESI approach supports the ambition of the SDGs to ‘leave no-one behind’. Water for Women recognises gender as a fundamental and globally universal dimension of inequality and denial of rights, while also recognising other dimensions of in equality and rights, such as disability, age, sexual and gender minorities (SGM), ethnic minorities, and people living in extreme poverty and/or remote communities. Water for Women supports efforts to address different forms and contributors to poverty, marginalisation and inequality.
Along with our partners, we are developing and sharing learning on this throughout the life of the Fund.
The Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Self-Assessment Tool (GESI SAT) represents the culmination of years of collaborative work across the Fund, and has been co-created by Water for Women and the Sanitation Learning Hub.
It is a facilitation guide for WASH project managers, researchers and self-assessment facilitators to support individual and collective reflective practice on the extent and quality of gender equality and social inclusion work in WASH projects and organisations.
Towards the end of 2020, Water for Women undertook a review of menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) initiatives to collate information from partners working within a broad range of contexts, and to draw out lessons for good practice in inclusive MHH programming within the WASH sector.
This Learning Brief is the product of that learning.
Prepared by Edge Effect (SGM Inclusion Advisors to Water for Women) and Water for Women, this guidance note has been developed to address the lack of resources specific to sexual and gender minority inclusion and WASH in COVID-19 responses.
During COVID-19, the discrimination and exclusion faced by sexual and gender minorities (SGM) has been amplified. This guidance note has been developed to help our partners and the broader WASH sector actively support sexual and gender minorities so that they are not left behind in COVID-19 WASH responses.
Prepared by CBM Australia (Disability Inclusion Advisors to Water for Women) and Water for Women, this guidance note has been developed to address the lack of resources specific to disability inclusion and WASH in COVID-19 responses.
WASH is a first line of defence against COVID-19 and our partners have been busy adapting their programming to help communities reduce their risk of exposure. This note provides technical advice and considerations to ensure all activities are disability inclusive.
The Water for Women Fund sees an intentional focus on ‘Do No Harm’ (DNH) approaches as a critical way of supporting an ethical approach to inclusion. This includes addressing the risk of backlash that comes with supporting representation and decision-making of women and marginalised groups to ensure that no one is left behind in WASH programming. The Fund aims to sharpen collective understanding and practice of DNH as a focus for learning as part of strengthening ‘inclusive WASH’.
This Learning Brief, 'Do No Harm’ for inclusive WASH: working towards a shared understanding’ aims to advance the Fund’s collective learning on these issues by reflecting on the discussions throughout the Systems Strengthening for Inclusive WASH learning event held in December 2019 in Nepal, through the lens of these DNH dimensions.
The empowerment of women and marginalised people is central to Water for Women, and recognised as key to leaving no one behind in achieving clean water and sanitation for all (SDG 6). But it can come at a cost, if we do not pro-actively address backlash and potential harms involved in challenging entrenched gender and social norms.
This is what is known as having a ‘Do No Harm’ lens. With funding support from the Australian Government, Water for Women supported one of its CSO partners, Habitat for Humanity Fiji (HFHF), to undertake a pilot in Do No Harm (DNH) on women’s empowerment in WASH. The pilot involved collaboration with the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre and supported the use and adaptation of IWDA’s DNH toolkit: Integrating the Elimination of Violence Against Women into Women’s Economic Empowerment Program. Reflections and lessons learned from this are shared in this Water for Women learning brief.
Do No Harm Pilot | Fiji
In Fiji, our partner, Habitat for Humanity is strengthening community resilience and inclusion through improved WASH services in 18 communities across Ra and Ba. Habitat’s Community WASH training package supports the participation of women, people with disabilities and marginalised groups because actively involving all people within communities leads to more effective and sustainable outcomes in WASH.
In July 2019, Habitat for Humanity Fiji trialed a Do No Harm pilot with two of these communities.
This film captures that process.
Towards Transformation
Download Water for Women's Towards Transformation strategy summary to learn more about this approach, which is touched on below.
Core Concepts
This is both a process - something that can be done - and an outcome that can be achieved. Transformative process fosters meaningful inclusion of the marginalised in mainstream activities and decisions. By genuinely listening to new voices, we can create deep and lasting change. By supporting opportunities for greater levels of voice and influence by the oppressed or marginalised, we can disrupt and change the mainstream way of doing things. Thus, a cycle of change is set in train, leading to transformation (outcome).
Transformative practice
Principle 1: Hold ourselves accountable |
Transformation starts with ourselves. Social transformation is not something we can ‘do to’ others – we must live it ourselves. Positive societal change can only happen if we are prepared first to challenge and change ourselves, individually and collectively. We must recognise and address our individual biases, be honest about our own power and privilege, and listen deeply and respectfully to the lived experience and
perceptions of others. We must challenge the attitudes, cultures and behaviours within our organisations. This can only happen if our transformative capacity, expertise, work and partnerships are resourced.
Principle 2: Do No Harm and address violence |
Any WASH or other program can potentially result in negative consequences, particularly for
marginalized people, who may inadvertently be exposed to increased stigmatisation or risk of |
Principle 3: Understand and challenge power and privilege |
Social exclusion must be understood in the context of multiple hierarchies of power based on
gender, class, race or religious superiority, colonialism, age, ability, sexuality and others. |
Principle 4: Address inevitable resistance and backlash |
Promoting the rights of marginalised people takes place in the context of, and can come up
against, complex cultural, political and economic interests. Resistance can be seen as active |
Principle 5: Think and act holistically |
Holistic thinking is essential to transformative WASH practice. Sustainable development,
including WASH, calls for recognition of the interconnectedness between diverse human and |
Principle 6: Place the right people at the centre |
It is essential that marginalised people are at the centre of, and lead the way in, their own
development. Useful concepts here include ‘nothing about us without us’, ‘intersectional |
Principle 7: Push the boundaries of transformative practice |
The Fund creates an opportunity to collectively identify and strengthen evidence-based
practice on some of the most challenging aspects of GESI-transformative practice. The top two |
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