Postcards from the Field


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A Bhutanese woman is resting her elbow on the top of a stone and cement wall. She is facing towards a Bhutanese man who she is in a conversation with. He is a member of SNV’s Water for Women project team in Bhutan.

Building an equitable future: Women, water, and climate resilience in rural Bhutan

Posted on Thursday, March 07, 2024 01:08 PM

Women like Phub Dem are helping to build a climate-resilient and equitable future in rural Bhutan (SNV / Aiden Dockery )

"It is not the question of if we can do it or not,...

Ms Kreang Sreypich, the manager of a piped water supply company in rural Prey Veng Province, Cambodia, is showing two men through her water plant. She is wearing a bright pink jumper and pointing out aspects of the water filtration ponds from behind a blue railed fence.

Women leading resilient water solutions in rural Cambodia

Posted on Thursday, March 07, 2024 01:01 PM

Ms Kreang Sreypich, manager of a piped water supply company in rural Prey Veng Province, Cambodia, provides Water for Women partners with a tour of her water treatment plant...

Australia’s Ambassador for Global Health, Dr Lucas de Toca, and Ata Vagi, Pari Village Water Service Manager, standing in front of a water kiosk in Pari Village. Dr de Toca is holding a mobile phone to video their conversation and they are both smiling looking towards the camera. A raised water tank can be seen beside the water kiosk building in the background and a woman is sitting at a table below it.

Ata Vagi: Pari's pioneering water service manager

Posted on Thursday, March 07, 2024 12:45 PM

In February, Dr Lucas de Toca, Australia's Ambassador for Global Health, visited Ata Vagi in Pari Village to learn about the water kiosk system (Dr Lucas de Toca)

Meet Ata...

Camari Koto (centre) and members of the WASH project research team in Vanuatu standing together for a group photo in Manples informal settlement. Camari is wearing a bright blue and yellow dress and everyone is smiling at the camera.

From Suva to Port Vila: Researcher exchanges accelerating SDG6 progress in Melanesian Pacific

Posted on Thursday, March 07, 2024 12:06 PM

In 2023, Camari Koto (centre) travelled from her home campus in Suva to USP Emalus campus in Vanuatu for the 'south south' researcher exchange (IWC / Benny Ruosso)

In 2023,...

Ms Khanthaly Sangaloun is sitting with other women and beside a man on floor mats in a covered community meeting area in Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR. She is holding up an A4 page and pointing to emoji graphics on it while speaking to the group, who are looking on intently. She is explaining the climate vulnerability assessment process.

Women leading disaster risk responses in Lao PDR

Posted on Thursday, March 07, 2024 12:04 PM

District leader Ms Khanthaly Sangaloun is working to prepare her district for the impacts of climate change (SNV / Thepphakone Sykhammountry)

In rural Savannakhet Province,...

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